Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Gay Marriage Almost Here

So, the State Assembly passed a bill allowing gay marriage. Now it goes to the Governor for signature. Whether he'll sign or veto it is anyone's guess.

I've said here before I'm a strong supporter of same sex marriages. I hope the Governor does sign it. What kind of irks me, though, is that so many of the same sex marriage supporters also tend to be the "let the people decide" kind of folks that always throw the word DEMOCRACY around like it's the greatest thing in the world that we can attack minorities, for whatever reason, via the ballot box. Prop 22, which passed by 60% or more a few years ago, supposedly defined marriage as that between a man and woman. I guess Democracy is just a matter of convenience for the Left as it is for so many of us since we ignore it when it seems politically correct to do so, at least for whatever side we're on.

Democracy= two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for lunch.


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