Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bandow On Mosque Bombings

I generally avoid the subject of Iraq and some other popular blog subjects intentionally and I will continue to do so. I try to to avoid the popular blog subjects that everyone else has more than enough commentary on. I'll break that tradition this one time by passing on this short commentary by Doug Bandow on President Bush's proposal that the U.S. pay for rebuilding an Iraqi mosque.

Well said, Doug. I wish I would of written that.


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would also agree. We need to spend money here and Bush seems more interested in helping the rest of the world, especially his Arab friends and buddies. It is time to get Bush out of office. He has done much worse for America than Clinton and lied about much worse things than Clinton ever did. Press your representatives to impeach him now before he destroys America.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He fails to mention is that the mosque bombing is the result of United States bungling the war, creating a power vacuum and failing to maintain security. Remember the Pottery Barn rule?

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

That may be true 4:50 and I'm one of the school of thought that when you break something, you fix it.

Nonetheless, these folks are going around trashing their won people and country and I don't think we should be cleaning up their mess. We need to get out of there and let the Iraqis fight it out amongst themselves.

At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you say that we need to get out of Iraq, but Doug Bandow's March 2nd commentary does not deserve your praise. He writes:

"The U.S. already has spent hundreds of billions of dollars – and sacrificed thousands of lives – to get rid of Saddam Hussein, patrol Iraq, and rebuild its infrastructure. Surely American taxpayers aren’t responsible when Iraqis blow up Iraqi structures."

But surely American taxpayers are responsible for rebuilding what they destroyed in the first place.

The most truthful thing Bandow says in his commentary is: "I'm confused."

By "sacrificed thousands of lives", I assume he means U.S. troops. What about the tens of thousands -- possibly hundreds of thousands -- of Iraqi lives? Don't they count? Where are innocent Iraqi children in Doug Bandow's world? Looks like they're below the radar screen.

He makes it sound like the U.S. invaded Iraq to "get rid of Saddam Hussein", instead of simply to steal Iraq's oil, the true reason. And now the U.S. military is simply "patrolling" Iraq, he says, and "rebuilding its infrastructure" -- which the U.S. destroyed in the first place.

In reality, the demonic U.S. military is TERRORIZING the Iraqi people with overwhelming military might, mass-murdering countless thousands of civilian men, women and children.

The war-criminal U.S. military has firebombed and leveled entire cities in Iraq -- installing a classic U.S.-imposed fascist dictatorship, like all the other fascist dictatorships America has imposed on millions of people around the world for over a century.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love anonymous posters?

Of course, in this day and age where we are blessed by teh PATRIOT Act, and a President who you are either "with" or "against"...I don't blame an anonymous critic...

At 5:39 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Glad you stick to local stuff mostly. This post has caused the moonbats (barking variety) to emerge from
the woodwork. By the way, there's a jerk in the New Jersey legislature introducing a bill outlawing anonymous poster.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous moonbat 3:34:

“But surely American taxpayers are responsible for rebuilding what they destroyed in the first place.”

Sunni muslims bomb a Shia mosque but “American taxpayers destroyed” it. Makes perfect sense if you’re a barking moonbat.

“ What about the tens of thousands -- possibly hundreds of thousands -- of Iraqi lives? Don't they count?“

Does this include the ones dug up from Saddam’s mass graves with bullet holes at the base of their skulls and the ones gassed in 460 Kurdish villages?

“[T]he U.S. invaded to steal Iraq's oil”.

Yep. Makes perfect sense. All the “stolen” oil is the reason the current price of crude is over $60.00/bbl.

“The U.S. destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure in the first place.”

The “insurgents” blowing up pipe lines, water treatment plants and communication facilities dressed in keffeyahs and shouting allah hu akhbar are cleverly disguised CIA operatives.

“In reality, the demonic U.S. military is TERRORIZING the Iraqi people with overwhelming military might, mass-murdering countless thousands of civilian men, women and children.”

Sure. My cousin is presently employed in the facility manufacturing car bombs and suicide vests at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

3:34 AM

At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Pogobat:
"Sunni muslims bomb a Shia mosque but “American taxpayers destroyed” it. Makes perfect sense if you’re a barking moonbat."

You're evading the issue, Pogobat. Anon. 3:34 was talking about the massive amount of Iraqi infrastructure -- including entire cities -- which the U.S. military has destroyed, and you know it.

Anonymous Pogobat:
"Does this include the ones dug up from Saddam’s mass graves with bullet holes at the base of their skulls and the ones gassed in 460 Kurdish villages?"

Again, you're evading the issue raised by the commenter. Perverted American pilots and soldiers have tortured, raped, sodomized and mass-murdered unknown tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian people.

Those evil soldiers and pilots are from our country, so we're responsible for them.

Anonymous Pogobat:
"Yep. Makes perfect sense. All the “stolen” oil is the reason the current price of crude is over $60.00/bbl."

Ever hear of a little thing called GREED, Pogobat? The oil companies have it in spades.

Anonymous Pogobat:
"The “insurgents” blowing up pipe lines, water treatment plants and communication facilities dressed in keffeyahs and shouting allah hu akhbar are cleverly disguised CIA operatives."

If you believe everything you see on FOX News, Pogobat, they've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you too.

Anonymous Pogobat:
"My cousin is presently employed in the facility manufacturing car bombs and suicide vests at Ft. Benning, Georgia."

Well there you go. Your cousin is presently employed with the American babykillers at Ft. Benning Georgia. That's why you're so biased, deceitful and blind.

By the way, Ft. Benning is where the American torture school is located. Does your cousin support those pervert soldiers at Abu Ghraib?


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