Friday, November 17, 2006

K.C. Sheds Light On Vroman Warrant Fiasco

Editor of the the Ukiah Daily Journal, K.C. Meadows, sheds some light on the suspicions cast on the late Norm Vroman, District Attorney of Mendocino County, in her blog.

For those of you new here who might not be aware of what transpired, shortly after Vroman's death, news was leaked of some warrants that supposedly were to be served on Vroman's residence and property seeking illegal firearms and marijuana. Supposedly, since Vroman died, the feds decided not to serve the warrants.

This seemed rather odd to me since, if they were looking for illegal weapons, the weapons would still be there and wouldn't be something the feds would ignore. I couldn't help but wonder if there was some pre- election political skullduggery involved.

Whether there was political skullduggery involved still can't be said, but K.C. explains what's known at this point regarding the investigation(s).


At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, what does a convicted felon distict attorney need with 2 machine guns and silencers to go with them?

Vroman was convicted of tax evasion or not fiing taxes. Mendo elected him when it was weel known he was a convicted felon. Just goes to show there is some place in America more FUBAR'd than Humboldt.


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