Monday, October 19, 2009

State's Singletons Focus of Meeting

Looks like there's a meeting in Sacramento today that will be taking a look at bottom feeding lawyers (like Eureka's very own Jason Singleton) that are abusing the system of American's with Disabilities Act regulations. They even mention Singleton's aborted attempt to burn the Squeeze Inn earlier this year.

No mention of what actions this California Commission on Disability Access might take to deal with such issues but, from what little is said in the story, I suspect nothing. The way I read it, while they mention the Squeeze Inn case, the story makes it sound like Singleton's just doing what's needed to be done and all these cases are simply a matter of businesses not paying enough attention to existing law. Businesses just need more education!

The least these committee folks need to do- assuming they have at least some power in that regard- is to require separate warning of violations be given before any monetary penalties or damages can even be considered. In other words; Singleton couldn't try to sue anyone until the business had been notified of the violations and been given a certain time (6 months or so) to make corrections.

I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.


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