Monday, January 24, 2011

Yep. I Got Burned

I finally got the bill for seeing the Physician's Assistant last month at St. Joseph's Urgent Care Clinic. You'll recall I went there for a head cold or flu that I couldn't seem to get rid of. The bill for the hospital alone came to $168.00 before any discounts. I ended up paying $109.00 after all was said and done and I could live with that.

But now I get the bill from the Emergency Physicians Medical Group for $190.00(!!!). Much more than I expected. I was hoping maybe half that much. So, I paid over $300.00 for an hour or less at the Urgent Care Clinic. Thank God I didn't have any tests done!

I realize it's expensive running a place like that, but I feel like I got burned. I won't be going there again unless I absolutely have to. I recommend none of you do, either.


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous skippy said...

Fred, I take it you're not eleigible for VA benefits.

Give Open Door a try. They have a facility in Eureka, Eureka Community Health Clinic (#441-1624). Yes, I know you're suspicious for some reason. And they can be crowded until their new building is built.

I suspect that visit would've cost you on either side of $50. You could report how your experience and bill were.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I actually went to Eureka Community Health a while back when I was trying to find somewhere other than my current physician to go to. They said they weren't accepting any new patients.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Rose said...

A lot of people have insurance - but they don't have a doctor. How many doctors have closed up shop? Do you know of any that are accepting new patients?

And it's only going to get worse.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I'm not sure.

I think it's Redwood Family Practice that the old P.A.s I used to go to moved to after Dr. Badgley took over what used to be Northcoast Family Practice that I'd gone to off and on for decades.

I'd heard that I could transfer over to Redwood as a former patient of the P.A. even though I was on MediCal at the time. Redwood isn't taking any MediCal patients, or so I've heard, and it's been so long I'm sure the P.A. wouldn't remember me, anyway.

I ended up calling them up to see if I could get an appointment with my old P.A. as a cash customer. The soonest I could have made an appointment, though, was four or five months away.

I'm going to call them again and ask if I can just see anyone available to renew my subscriptions. Maybe they'll have a new P.A. or N.P. on staff that needs patients?

I've found it's not too bad going to Badgley's office if you see the Physician Assistant instead of him. I'm usually in and out of there in an hour if I see her. It's still a generally unpleasant experience and I'd rather find someplace else to go, assuming there is anyplace else to go.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Too funny. I just got one of those patient evaluation forms from Urgent Care. This one was from St. Joseph's Hospital. I received one from the Emergency Physicians Group about a week ago. Naturally, before I received their bill.

The Physicians' one didn't ask the same questions. No mention of the costs like the one I received today from the hospital.

I gave them all high marks or N/A for most issues, but they had three questions on costs:

"I would recommend the Urgent Care services without hesitation to others". I marked Strongly Disagree.

"I would prefer to return to St. Joseph's Hospital without hesitation, if Urgent Care is needed". I marked Slightly Disagree.

"Overall, the Urgent Care I received was worth the cost.". I marked Slightly Disagree.

I sure told them!


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