Sunday, September 09, 2012

Local Politics: Us vs. Them

Nice job on the campaign signs by the Bonino folks. Pleasant on the eyes and I would think effective. The Matteoli's yard across the street has one of the first I've seen.

A guy came by the house for a few minutes the other day. He's a fairly well known local right winger. As he was leaving he asked incredulously, "Aren't you going to put a Bonino sign in your yard?", seeming surprised I didn't already have one up.

I replied that, no, I wouldn't. Nothing against Bonino, but I told him I'd prefer a "mixed" council as there's something to be said for dissenting opinion in any group. I tried to set his mind at ease by telling him I wouldn't be voting for Linda Atkins, either, and that I was looking at Charlie Bean, the write- in candidate.

That did not set well with him. He got real worked up and started in with a diatribe about all the left- wingers in the city that were "against everything". I actually agreed with him for the most part but didn't see any reason for the frothing at the mouth over it. I tried some even handed responses but he would have none of it. Pointing out that either Atkins or Bean winning would be just one seat on the council didn't console him, either.

He finally walked off telling me I shouldn't have gotten him started on that cause such stuff really gets him going.

Whatever. It's no surprise to me to see this sort of thing from some of the lefties over at Humboldt Herald. This was the first time in a while that I've seen one of the right- wingers get all worked up, at least in person. Makes me glad this libertarian is the moderate of the bunch.

Oh, and did I mention that Joe Bonino has some nice signs up?


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If left wingers are "against everything," then right wingers are also "against everything." The two groups merely push different agendas.

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who post signs for candidates are "enablers" for "co-dependent" politicians. Time for some group therapy.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Well, in this particular case he cited Marina Center, the Richardson Grove realignment and the East/West rail proposal. All of which he supports and at least the fringe lefties tend to oppose.

In the interest of making some attempt at an opposing argument (I support the RG realignment) I pointed out that some of the NO folks have at least one argument that conservative types should appreciate: that we're paying an awful lot of money for the realignment for very little being done.

He wouldn't have any of that and suggested the high cost was because of the NO folks trying to stop it. That was pretty much that and he abruptly left saying I shouldn't have brought it up cause " really gets me going...".

It did give me a good illustration of how the Us vs. Them attitude isn't limited to The Left.

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post and observations. I agree that there is far too much divisiveness in our community right now to get anything accomplished.

I like Charlie too and might have supported him if he was on the ballot. Unfortunately there is absolutely no way he has any chance as a write in so I feel my vote will have more value going towards one of the other candidates.

I have a rental property in Linda's ward and as such consider myself one of her constituents. I have called her no fewer than four separate times and never even got a single call returned. I have tried to very politely talk to her in public and she simply turns and walks away. This coupled with her tendency to be overly aggressive and simply nasty to her fellow councilpersons has me leaning towards Bonino. I strongly disagree with a number of his positions but I think basic civility and responsivness trumps his posture on issues especially those like gay marrage that are not issues that a Councilperson gets to vote on anyway.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

... This coupled with her tendency to be overly aggressive and simply nasty...

Your observations are along the line of why I decided not to vote for her. I've never met her personally, but from what little I've seen and heard, she seems to have an adversarial relationship with others.

Things such as saying, "I'm representing my constituency", when referring to her supporting the Jefferson School purchase, give me the impression she's the voice for the Humboldt Herald crowd as opposed to the rest of Eureka.

However, I appreciated her being the sole NO vote against that sleeping ordinance passed recently in Eureka, although I admittedly don't know under what context the council felt it was needed.

For that reason I was thinking of just standing aside, not voting and let the cards fall where they may. Then Charles Bean threw his hat in the ring.

You're right, a write- in candidacy is quite the long shot, but it sure would be nice if it worked!

I don't know Charlie Bean personally. I do know I've seen his comments on the Times- Standard web site for some years now. I don't know that I recall any time he's commented in an adversarial manner and he's made some of the more thoughtful comments I've read there.

Seems to me someone like that would make a perfect opposing view, should it come to that, but my current view isn't cast in stone. I'll wait and see how the candidates fare in the upcoming forums and what issues develop before I make any real decision.

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous mresquan said...

Feel free to show me some examples of where the majority on this council have made for a better business climate in Eureka in recent years. Has taking Glass and Neely out of office done anything for the Marina Center? The way I see it, Linda seems to be the most likely member to promote viable,living wage jobs exclusively,while the others seem to rely on dead end adventures to help induce bringing in better paying jobs,and their approach isn't going to work.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Sorry, but I haven't seen Linda or the Humboldt Herald crowd suggest any great ideas, either. I feel safe in saying that the council majority are open to any ideas that might bring business to the city and county.

Not sure I can say the same of Linda.

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point, the Marina Center is a total bust

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

At this point, the Marina Center is a total bust.

I don't know that you can blame that on anybody but the State of California and environmentalists. The money and desire was there to make it happen.

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Arkley had to do was follow the Coastal Act, but he just couldn't let them influence his project, probably out of principal

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

If I lived in Eureka I sure as heck would not vote for Linda or any Prog candidates. I got my first new computer in 17 years for $231 at Walmart. I could only afford used refurbished ones before. I think every Humboldt County resident with no spendable incomes like the Progs who persecute the working class and poor by blocking access to living tools Progs themselves have no problem acquiring. The Humboldt Prog agenda is elitist and anti-working class and poor. Oh yes, Progs will scream up and down how Big Box Walmarts are ripping off workers but they don't tell you the Other Side which is without these big boxes us poor haven't a chance at ownership of the things Prog households take for granted. Prog kids will have their computers while poor kids will have to use the common ones at school and thus fall farther behind in the socio-economic class system that Prog politics support-especially protecting a relative handful of local businessmen like Larry Glass and Pierson, both huge Prog supporters, so these guys can make extra bucks for their kids college funds and trips to Cancun by charging twice the price of a big box store like Walmart.

Do I like this situation where Walmart is the fall back for working class and poor? No, I do not and as a communitarian activist I have been promoting local activists to step up to the plate: Create a Co-op Big Box store and use local Native American nation-to-nation status as we had planned in our Heartlands Project to bring in all the products in big box stores made in China or other nations at reduced prices because of using tribal sovereignty to avoid U.S. import duties. A tribe here can create a duty-free port. Prog activists are brain dead in the alternative solution department. They think bean counting Democratic votes is "radical" activism. You gotta laugh at that if you're pretty much a lifelong communitarian activist like this Humboldt County citizen.

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen comes across as a bitter, jelious person

I feel sorry for him

At 5:21 AM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Oh you do you? If you really felt sorry for us who comprise the majority of Humboldt County citizens who are being shafted by the Prog anti-working class, anti-poor political agenda, you would do something more than be a Prog shill posting anonymously as identity fraud is one of the hallmarks of local Progs, ala Richard Salzman who you very well may be running damage control.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

All Arkley had to do was follow the Coastal Act, but he just couldn't let them influence his project....

Most of us here know the rules were changed after Arkely bought the Balloon Tract. He had planned on capping the polluted areas as has been the accepted practice for every other polluted area in the county.

But the anti- big box crowd and environmentalist groups filed suit and forced him into what would be a very expensive full cleanup involving excavation of tons of dirt. I can understand why he would be reluctant to go along with it.

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was warned before he bought the property how much clean-up would be required he believed he could get around the law. He's being made to follow the law. He agreed to follow the law when he reach a court settlement with Baykeeper. He still not doing it.

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a silly argument, Fred. Face it, there is only one major industry in this county and it revolves around Marijuana. While some of the righties are TRYING to learn to grow, sell or process pot, most of them are fighting the industry with all of their might. The true entrepreneurs are on the left. The right is banking on cheap commie labor in China, not on American made products.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rail line, A Wallmart and the Marina center all rely on communist Chinese products. Our American ancestors have fought countless wars, spent trillions of dollars, lost thousands and thousands of lives trying to contain communism. Who opened up our markets to the commies? Richard Nixon. Hardly a lefty. Who constantly pushes for more "free trade" which is code for "trade with communists"? The right.

Hypocracy? I think so....

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred is on the govt dole. Fake outrage over lefties and communism is his game. Dont think otherwise. All that history and economics is way above freds head.

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now look what you've done Fred, you certainly got the attention of the Heraldites and Stephen too... good post!

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

You're simply bolstering my case that I'm the moderate here.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

My above comment meant for 9:11am's comment.

And thanks, 9:34.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He had planned on capping the polluted areas as has been the accepted practice for every other polluted area in the county."

Fred, the Coastal Act doesn't allow capping wetlands

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

They capped just about every other wetland development on the bay.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, that's hilarious! Tire ruts are not wetlands 10:52.

Stop drinking the kool aide.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Progs continue their diversion of the basic ethical issue of democracy in action and that is the providing of goods and community services necessary for Humboldt County residents to enjoy the same lifestyle benefits Proggies themselves enjoy. I would challenge Linda Atkins or Larry Glass to provide their annual income to the annual incomes of the majority of their constituents while in office. Eureka working class and poor kids won't be going to the colleges Prog kids go to. I've lived here in Humboldt County now long enough to see the pattern:
We get these liberal Lefties from out-of-state, especially from New York sending us their most aggressive immigrants, or we get them from the Bay Area coming here exactly like our outside timber exploiters, each coming here to make capital off of our land and our lives. We see the pattern where now that Maxxam can't provide headlines for fame junkie enviros the move has been to attack any and all corporate entities in shakedown lawsuits. Like Maxxam profiteers moved on after exploiting as much as they could, we see the same exploitation move happening with enviros and Progs now moving away from their funding and political support base in SoHum to the north where more political climbing opportunities exist for these carpet-baggers from out of town. Same modus operandi in actions of enviro/Progs and gypo-timber operatiors. Cut and run. And leave the community behind in tatters..

Don't vote for any Prog candidate, Eurekans, if you value the long term economic health and vitality of your community. Progs take away and never replace what they've destroyed.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred: You need to save Eureka. Run as a write in! "Get Ready for Freddy!" the only Libertarian elected to city office. It is time for "READY FREDDY!"

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those "tire ruts" are a tidal wetland. The Randy Gans "tire ruts" argument doesn't work outside of the Secuity National offices.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, here's the language from the Coastal Act

10-5.2942.6 Diking, filling, or dredging.
The diking, filling or dredging of open coastal waters, wetlands, or estuaries shall be
permitted only where all of the following exist:
(a) The diking, filling or dredging is for a permitted use in that resource area as provided in Land Use Plan Policies 5.12 through 5.16;
(b) There is no feasible, less environmentally damaging alternative;
(c) Feasible mitigation measures have been provided to minimize adverse environmental
effects, consistent with the Land Use Plan Policy 5.10; and,
(d) The functional capacity of the resources area is maintained or enhanced, consistent with the Land Use Plan Policy 5.10.

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Section 30233 Diking, filling or dredging; continued movement of sediment and nutrients
(a) The diking, filling, or dredging of open coastal waters, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes shall be permitted in accordance with other applicable provisions of this division, where there is no feasible less environmentally damaging alternative, and where feasible mitigation measures have been provided to minimize adverse environmental effects, and shall be limited to the following:
(l) New or expanded port, energy, and coastal-dependent industrial facilities, including commercial fishing facilities.
(2) Maintaining existing, or restoring previously dredged, depths in existing navigational channels, turning basins, vessel berthing and mooring areas, and boat launching ramps.
(3) In open coastal waters, other than wetlands, including streams, estuaries, and lakes, new or expanded boating facilities and the placement of structural pilings for public recreational piers that provide public access and recreational opportunities.
(4) Incidental public service purposes, including but not limited to, burying cables and pipes or inspection of piers and maintenance of existing intake and outfall lines.
(5) Mineral extraction, including sand for restoring beaches, except in environmentally sensitive areas.
(6) Restoration purposes.
(7) Nature study, aquaculture, or similar resource dependent activities.

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we really want officials who are on the govt dole and dont understand basic economics? The libertarian thing is a joke. Fred is a republican who envisions himself as some sort of rebel.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake outrage is a sign of moderation? Supporting commie chinese labor EVERY time is not moderate or american.


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