Sunday, August 18, 2013

Times- Standard Agrees With The Freddy

The Times- Standard has an editorial this morning about the Eureka Mayor's Prayer Breakfast and invocation conundrum and pretty much end up agreeing with me? Must be the hard- hitting commentaries they've read here?


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will NEVER forget the time when I was scheduled to have a hearing at the Eureka City Council meeting and a priest got up before it started and prayed for my issue to lose!!!!! Many in the crowd started booing. I got up and started yelling and made him stop. I had never been so angry in my entire life. It taught me that Eureka good old boys and girls hate democracy. Religion also hates democracy.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Democracy isn't much more than two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for lunch. In that regard, democracy be damned.

What issue are you referring to? I can't believe a priest took a side on an issue during an invocation.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It shouldn't matter the issue, witchcraft and wizardy and such nonsense has NO place in rational public discussion, let alone in a city council chamber or court!!!!

The issue at hand involved a church, ironically. They wanted to bring Teen Challenge into an old church on Wabash. I was in the neighborhood and semi curious about what was going on, so I showed up. I was APPALLED to find out that the church lined up its priest to do the "invocation" and it packed the council chambers with its sheeple to drown out any dissent. It gave me the worst taste in my mouth about the city council. Actually, it still hasnt dissipated....

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I don't remember reading about such a thing in the news. Then again, it's been a while and memories of that issue have faded.

Regardless, you say the thing was rigged. Unless I'm missing something I don't believe Teen Challenge moved into the church (which I wasn't opposed to, btw).

I'll agree that, if true, that was tacky of the church to bring that into an invocation. I suspect nobody on the council said anything because it would have been quite awkward to interrupt the invocation.

And packing the council chambers with people on your side is nothing new. It happens all the time- the time when the anti- GMO forces bamboozled the council into an anti- gmo resolution being one that pissed me off.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I said that it was rigged? Where did I say that? I said that it was APPALING to hear a priest get up and try to influence the good old boys and girls by using "god" as a fear factor. And yes, of course, the spineless politicians voted for the Teen Challenge conditional use permits. They have no convictions and cower to power and money. The contractor/church member who proposed it, Strombeck, found out after getting the permit that the building remodel was too costly, so he bailed out.

Libertarianism and religion dont work together. You realize this dont you? People who choose to believe that an invisible man is watching and judging EVERY thought and action from the time of conception, through eternity, hate the concept of freedom.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henchman Of Justice" says,

Fred, this blog does have it's share of hard hitters, no doubt.

Just another reason why LOCO, Times Standard, etc... use funky servicers to do their sites. All they want is the "lightweight pussies" who know not what they should know and need to know more, but alas, more is bad, unless it is all from the blog administrators, then more is good.

Heck, call it "selective responses",as opposed to freely engaging without censorship threats or actions. It is about creating only the respondents acceptable to the blog host site - can't get it down closer than that. It is about "exclusion", not real inclusion.

These types of adults are public teachers, married to Cal-TRans employees; they are people who have used their employments in media to further dividing the community into segments; they are people who got to HSU, then get a local backstabbing job with local abckstabbers to be "elevated in acceptance by the privileged" in order to rationalize a better lifestyle for themself personally.

People are weak when it comes to "being accepted". - no principles apparantly.


At 4:25 AM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

"People who choose to believe that an invisible man is watching and judging EVERY thought and action from the time of conception, through eternity, hate the concept of freedom." People that believe this constitutes "religion" really need to rethink and restudy what it is they are seriously avoiding thinking clearly about--preferring simpleton strawmen stereotypical ideas of what constitutes "God" so they can keep their prejudices intact. Just saw Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams documentary of the new ancient cave art findings in France that show spiritual consciousness and being human are inseparable, 32,000 years between images that I as an artist can recognize a fellow artist's spiritual feeling for the same human understanding of what was being seen and reproduced in line imagery.

At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henchman Of Justice" says,

spiritual consciousness is different than "making-up a God" or "making-up images of God of God's likenesses". Of course, writing about the voices in the sky, etc... could not be all those drugs cavemen and women were using at the time, causing hallucinations.

Hey, if drugs can be used as a "political or social deflective tool to attempt to stop one conversation to elicit another", then by all means, those people who bandy about God must be hallucinating on drugs too or by being the indoctrinated decendents of drug users, the religious can be categorized as sheeple people who will believe anything or merely not believe, but just use God as a crutch to make other people think good thoughts about that person using God as a crutch, no doubt!

Religious mother fuckers are the biggest liars in society, not to mention the most ashamed types because after lying comes the guilt trip if they are true believers; yet, the non-true believers have no guilt, it is merely ROUTINE to lie, cheat, steal, defraud, etc....not all but substantially over 50% no doubt as experience in life and people is quite telling.


At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest getting your head out of the clouds and stop pretending to see "spirits" and such nonsense. This world is amazing enough without your silly little childish ghost stories. Its 2013, wake up and be in the moment. Here and now is where its at.

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Wow! What a bunch of hate for a consciousness you guys are totally unfamiliar with and haven't a clue that this is the case. In other words, fellas, your opinions, as those lacking experience in what you have such amazingly strong opinions about, are worthless. You don't know what you are talking about and only have stupidity to rely on as "evidence" of what? That ALL societies, not just religious ones were subject to lesser ethics and some still are?

You blast "religious" consciousness for its holdover social lagging yet say nothing of the same social lagging that occurs with just plain gun nuts and our enviros crusaders acting out their attempts for social recognition. Keep going there, HOJ, you may get famous on these blogs with your voluminous posts each day but the content? Not for this person who is religiously aware and would never ever think of going backwards in consciousness to the lesser state of atheism. Been there, done that, and it's a disabled consciousness that isn't using of the right brain hemisphere much at all as the left brain's linear logic dominates that consciousness. And by doing so, robs the atheist of a world of knowledge that comes to the human mind in no other way.

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly why we don't need "spirtual invocations" at public meetings. We don't need any mote nonsense and insecurity than we already have in this world, thank you. We don't need people like you purposfully perverting reality.

Whatever you are lacking or fearful of, ghost talk is not the answer. Maybe its because you are afraid to face death or afraid to stand up and tell society that the emperor wears no clothes or afraid that you will go to hell because you have a guilty conscience. It doesn't matter what your hangups are, stop with the fairy tales in public arenas!!!!

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, bud, but you don't have a monopoly on reality. I don't want to have to have atheists dictate their vapid ideology in public places, thank you very much! You don't own the public servants and cannot dictate what public servants want to do--as their consciences dictate--not yours.
Keep your atheist ideology out of public places, bottom line, when it's not the majority opinion. And atheism never is the majority opinion in Humboldt County or any county in the U.S.A. as far as I know.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh. You are a follower, not a believer. Who cares what the majority claims to believe? Are you a man or a mouse? Tell your mommy or whoever wants you to pretend that you believe in nonsense that you want to be a freethinking human, not a robot programmed to follow the masses. Grow a pair of gonads and look around at the world. There is NO evidence of ghosts or angels or devils or magic or miracles or gods or goddesses. Its 2013. Stop wishing for the dark ages.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Just pointing out democracy for you that forgot it applies to atheists as well as everyone else. Majority rules and when given a chance to express itself, the majority wants to include public prayer to start government business. Atheist ideology should not dictate to the majority and since nothing but empty air is being voiced in these public prayers according to atheists, what public officials want to do with their air time is up to them, not atheists who never had the political control in our country thank God, to impose atheist ideology. One notes that in every case atheist ideology is imposed by political force, people usually die in the process, atheists tending to be rather violent people when given political power, just like their religious counterparts, fundamentalist believers. Because both groups share the same intolerance of other people's beliefs and seek to impose their own.

As for spiritual miracles, history records the establishment of a hippie icon of peace as the Holy Land's newest and most spiritually powerful religious icon in one of Christianity's most holy cities, Nazareth, where Paxcalibur is kept by Nazareth's highest Christian authority. Try that one out- who would ever have thought the hippie Peace Sign would be so honored--it's a miracle but probably not to you atheists who are spiritually brain dead and can't understand what all the fuss is about..

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henchman Of Justice" says,

In America, constitutional law says the majority does not rule on any of those pesky "Bills of" rights,

Sucker punch,

low ball haymakers,

week ass mentality,

sit yer arse down,

and dwell on it!


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henchman Of Justcie" says,

Stephen, do you have any names of aethiests who have had leadership roles as American politicians in high enough places where these aetheists actually yield power like those who claim a religion to worship some God?

Yep, America is rife with such rich history of religious fucks destroying the planet.

Figure that God destroys, creates destruction and this is his image, MANKIND!

Is it Savage Hendry joke night yet?


At 5:53 AM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

I knew if I responded to your posts this would be another HOJ jabberfest and in this case, a very negative one because you have this big hard on for God, HOJ. Somebody with a collar musta pissed you off at work or as kid? I don't subscribe to that fundamentalist strawman you create and never have and most every one of my religious friends don't either. But it's so easy to create and set fire to your own strawman than to actually think about a profound lack of experiential knowledge that plagues every atheist bigotry of religious consciousness.

So, adios on this thread, HOJ. Do not replay. Just take your frustrations with majority sentiment vs. minority exploitation and oppression of religious expression--even in the job place where you atheists want totalitarian control to stop people from talking about what they want to.


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