Thursday, August 06, 2015

Eureka Bails On Chamber of Commerce

The North Coast Journal is the first I've heard that the City of Eureka will stop funding its Chamber of Commerce as of July 1 of next year. They got a 20% cut in funding as of July 1 this year. The Left should be happy as they've been complaining about Chamber funding for at least a couple years.

As for me, I suppose it makes sense. When you've dug yourself into a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging. I'm sure the Chamber has done some good, although I'll admit to probably not having seen any visitors ever going in their office.

I've also always thought it weird they'd put its office right smack in the armpit of Eureka- the corner of West Hawthorn and Broadway. Maybe that's why no one seems to stop there?


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The location of the Eureka Chamber was not always the "armpit" of town, but I think the main problem is that northbound visitors find it difficult to access the building and it is even more difficult to make a left turn onto Broadway after having stopped at their office.

Let the Humboldt Convention and Visitors Bureau receive public funding for marketing purposes. If the Chamber is to be a real advocate for its members and the business community then it should not receive public funding because to do so lessens the Chamber's ability as a business advocate--it's bad to bite the hand the feeds you.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with their decision, the old fashioned welcome wagons might make a come back. Years ago I called them, in search of a restaurant cookware store. They politely(?) informed me that's not their job, they have no idea, & I should try the yellow pages repeatedly. I've often wondered since then why they're even there if they're not knowledgeable about the local commerce.
As an aside, with the smoking rates dropping due to vaping, the funds for the anti crusade & the UN drying up, they have recently began petitioning for smoke ban roll backs, while politicians are lobbying for higher smoke taxes & for vaping to be included as a smoke product for the taxing purposes. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Leno is holding a "special sessions" soon, that doesn't allow opposition to his bill. I hope the people speak up & fight this greed monster that attacks civilians. If they pass this, vaping will be cost prohibitive, driving ex-smokers & would be ex-smokers back to smoking, filling the MSA coffers for more draconian measures against the people.
Write your reps!

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Julie Timmons said...

I don't understand how receiving public funds "lessens the Chamber's ability as a business advocate". It doesn't. The Eureka and Arcata Chambers do not subscribe to some of the more extreme positions of the national chamber. The Eureka Chamber does a lot with four positions and not a lot of money. They sent out a questionnaire to the members asking for input on where to cut. At some point a decision will have to be made on whether we can afford BOTH the Chamber building on Broadway, and the visitors center in Old Town which has NO parking and really serves only those visitors who have already decided to spend the night in Eureka. It's a nice facility but useless location for the purpose. Fred calls me a "lefty" but I'm proud to support the Chamber.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Liberal Jon said...



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