Monday, July 11, 2016

The War Party Marches On

tV news today tells us Obama is sending 560 or more troops to Iaq. This time, we are told, it will stabilize that country. I won't blame Obama. There's no doubt hes facing the same presurre for war as all that have come before him. The same nes, I'm guessing, that talked George Bush Jr. Into attacking Iraq in the first place. that pressure must be enormous as all recent presidents seem to have succumbed to it. Makes me wonder if even Gary Johnson can resist that siren song?


At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or Jill Stein.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is a lot easier to get into these wars then get out of them. If it wasn't for the SOFA agreement that GWB signed in 2008 we would not have pulled the main body of troops out in 2011. There are many who believe that Obama did that. No. It was because of that previously signed agreement to withdraw. The new Iraqi government would not give US troops immunity from it's laws. I wonder how many are even aware of that trifling little detail? Certainly not our conservative members of government who would have us repudiate our agreements. What else is new.

So, I can only gather that some arrangement has been made to allow certain troops back in. Obvious desperate problem over there with almost daily bombings. Can't imagine how us tough Americans would hold up under similar circumstances.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"Stability"does not seem to be a word in the vocabulary of the Middle Eastern countries. Haven't they been fighting amongst themselves for a long time?

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Despite the fact that I feel the U.S.A. Is sometimes involved in situations where we shouldn't be, I still totally support our troops.

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Exactly, and a reason why in America, bad people looking to gain something attack the innocent to draw them into war.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

So true, and in America, political and justice systems are destabalizing the country from within the borders.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

HOJ agrees with you nearly 100% because politicians set up for death and injury our military women and men and glbtq communities.

Where HOJ is conflicted has to do with bad, evil individuals who were bullies growing up, or who were too overly combative growing up, false priorities on culture, etc... becoming a part of the military because bad, evil people have no self control. America does have to be concerned with the mindset of young people being trsined by video games to kill, murder, rape, pillage, torment, torture, etc.....but hey, the military must enjoy the fact that consumerism teaches hand to eye coordination, brain functioning, etc....on how to kill, what to expect when killing, etc....

America's gubbamint is as corrupt as any, will lie to its own people to retain power and control for the elites in global society.

When people like Hillary Clinton or Bonnie Neely discuss how its now a global economy and we must recognize that......does not mean you sell out or allow to be sold out your local community or country to global interests that have zero net return for the laborer class of Americans. China, China and China......must be the HUGE trade deficit promulgated by American politicians and big business.

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

HOJ agrees with you nearly 100% because politicians set up for death and injury our military women and men and glbtq communities.

Where HOJ is conflicted has to do with bad, evil individuals who were bullies growing up, or who were too overly combative growing up, false priorities on culture, etc... becoming a part of the military because bad, evil people have no self control. America does have to be concerned with the mindset of young people being trsined by video games to kill, murder, rape, pillage, torment, torture, etc.....but hey, the military must enjoy the fact that consumerism teaches hand to eye coordination, brain functioning, etc....on how to kill, what to expect when killing, etc....

America's gubbamint is as corrupt as any, will lie to its own people to retain power and control for the elites in global society.

When people like Hillary Clinton or Bonnie Neely discuss how its now a global economy and we must recognize that......does not mean you sell out or allow to be sold out your local community or country to global interests that have zero net return for the laborer class of Americans. China, China and China......must be the HUGE trade deficit promulgated by American politicians and big business.

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

So true, and in America, political and justice systems are destabalizing the country from within the borders.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Exactly, and a reason why in America, bad people looking to gain something attack the innocent to draw them into war.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are right. Those are valid well thought-out points.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darrell Castle is the only one who refuses to be unconstitutional on anything. If congress declares war, he will reflect, and do his job. If they don't declare war, then no go.


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